Monday, November 20, 2023

Medical facility in Łeba with financial support from Baltic Power

Medical facility in Łeba with financial support from Baltic Power

A medical facility in Łeba has received a grant of PLN 150,000. This financial support from Baltic Power has enabled the purchase of essential medical equipment for the facility. This is another of the initiatives of Baltic Power, a joint project between ORLEN Group and Northland Power for the local communities in Pomerania. It ties in with a program supporting the residents living in the areas where the accompanying infrastructure of offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea is being built.

The support that the Baltic Power has given to equip our new medical facility shows that it listens to and sees the actual needs of Łeba community. Thanks to these funds, we can continue to improve the level of health care in the region. I am confident that that Baltic Power's support will significantly improve the comfort and quality of life of our residents and the safety of tourists and visitors during the peak season,” stresses Andrzej Strzechmiński, the mayor of Łeba.

The funds have been allocated for the purchase of the equipment for doctor's offices, nurses’ offices, treatment rooms and the vaccination center, including, among others, the purchase of ECG machines, otoscopes, RR monitoring devices and treatment equipment and instruments. One of the priorities of the region's health policy, in line with the needs reported by residents and local governments, is the development of medical offer of the Lębork District.

“In 2024, the construction of the service base, which will be the permanent operation point for Poland's first offshore wind farm – Baltic Power, will begin in the port of Łeba. As a responsible neighbor who will be staying in the port of Łeba for the next 25 years, we want to support initiatives that will best serve the entire local community. Support for the new medical facility is an example of the implementation of such plans. We hope that thanks to this funding, the residents of Łeba will be able to benefit from even higher quality health care services,” comments Jarosław Broda, CEO of Baltic Power.

This is of great importance for such centers as Łeba, where the number of residents during the spring and summer period reaches 100,000 people. The initiative to provide additional financing for the purchase of the equipment is also part of a whole series of projects implemented by Baltic Power and its shareholders in Pomerania.

 “Baltic Power has been a responsibly managed project from the outset. We plan and implement our activities in harmony with the needs of the local communities where our wind farm will operate for years to come. We maintain close collaboration with local authorities and residents, listening and responding to their needs in the most effective ways. Our top priorities are health, environmental, and fostering positive community relations ,” emphasizes Jens Poulsen, Project Director, Member of Baltic Power Management Board.

The Baltic Power project is the most advanced offshore wind project in Poland. It has fully secured contracts for all key components – including turbines, offshore and onshore substations, cables and foundations – along with their manufacture, transportation and installation. It was the first project in Poland to obtain the required building permits. In May 2023, construction of its onshore infrastructure in the Choczewo Commune began. In September 2023, the project received financing, and in October it was announced that the preparation phase had been completed and full construction of the farm had begun.

The Baltic Power offshore wind farm is one of the ORLEN Group's key projects for achieving its strategic goal of reaching 9 GW of the installed capacity in renewable energy by 2030. The farm will be built approx. 23 kilometers away from the coast, at the height of Łeba and Choczewo, and will consist of 76 state-of-the-art wind turbines with a unit power output of 15 MW. Upon the completion of construction in 2026, the Baltic Power farm will start producing energy to power more than 1.5 million households.



Friday, October 18, 2024

First monopiles for Baltic Power offshore wind farm ready for shipment

The first shipments of foundation monopiles for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm have set off from Steelwind's factory in Nordenham. Twenty-six shipments will be made to the transhipment port, from where they will depart for the offshore construction site in early 2025.


Friday, October 4, 2024

Baltic Power wind farm completes first onshore connection

In the Lubiatowo area, the first of four directional drills under the coastline, beach, and seabed has been successfully completed, with no direct impact on areas of high ecological value. This phase of the project paves the way for connecting the Baltic Power offshore wind farm to its onshore substation. The 1.4 km tunnel will house power transmission cables. The drilling was conducted using HDD (horizontal directional drilling) technology.


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Baltic Power introduces a temporary compensation mechanism for fishermen

Baltic Power has announced plans to implement a temporary compensation mechanism for fishermen operating in the area where the first Polish offshore wind farm is planned to be built – that includes squares in N7, N8, O7, O8 located ca. 23 km from the shore. The solution is temporary and will remain in force until the official ministerial regulation regarding the compensation system between the offshore wind sector and fishing sectors is introduced.


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Manufacture of key components for Baltic Power wind farm based locally in Pomerania

In preparation for the offshore installation works scheduled for the end of this year, some critical components of the Baltic Power project are currently under production. Key infrastructure, including substations for evacuating power from the offshore turbines and transmitting it to the mainland, is being constructed in the seaside region of Pomerania. Other important project components are also being manufactured in Szczecin, Kluczbork, and Żary, among other locations.