Friday, November 15, 2024
Baltic Power launches call for applications within transitional compensation scheme for fisheries

Baltic Power, the project responsible for the construction of Poland's first offshore wind farm, has launched a call for applications for the Transitional Compensation Scheme aimed at fisheries who have carried out fishing activities in the area of the planned wind farm. This solution is transitional and will remain in force until the introduction of appropriate regulations governing the principles and scope of compensation payments between the offshore wind energy sector and the fishing industry. The annual compensation's amount will depend on the size of the vessel and vary from PLN 15,200 and PLN 48,700 each year.
The scheme was introduced to compensate local shipowners for the exclusion of areas from their fishing activities due to the ongoing construction of an offshore wind farm. The amount of support depends on the size of the fishing vessel. Owners of vessels that operated in the area of fishing squares N7, N8, O7, O8 and O6 between 2018 and 2023 can apply for compensation. At the same time, Baltic Power has provided for one-off compensation for owners of recreational fishing vessels.
- Baltic Power leads a way in the offshore wind energy sector. We were the first project to start construction of the onshore part of the investment and we are now making the final preparations to start construction of the offshore part of the farm, which is about to commence in January 2025. As a result, still waiting for the final administrative solution that will regulate the cooperation between the offshore wind and fishing sectors - we have launched our transitional compensation scheme for fisheries. At the same time, we are continuing our commitment to developing a target solution for the entire industry - says Jarosław Broda, Member of the Board of Baltic Power.
Compensation will be paid in accordance with the Transitional Scheme implemented by Baltic Power until the end of the farm construction or until final ministerial regulations are published. The call for applications will take place twice in the following periods: November 2024 - February 2025 and June - August 2025 and the compensation will cover the payment period for November-December 2024 and 2025. Applications for compensation for 2026 will be accepted similarly in the periods November 2025 - February 2026 and June - August 2026.When the ministerial regulations are introduced, the company will complete its transition programme and adapt to the new regulations.
More information and application documents can be found under the ‘FOR FISHERS’ page dedicated to the fisheries sector on Application documents for payment can be downloaded from the website and submitted by email, post or courier. Applications will also be accepted at information points, which will be open after the regular information meetings held in Łeba, Ustka and Władysławowo.
- At the turn of this year, Baltic Power will become a real co-user of the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. We are aware that our activity in the Baltic Power farm construction area has an impact on the activities carried out by fishermen. For this reason we have engaged Polish fishermen and their vessels at the project preparation stage and will support them during the construction phase to ensure the safety of maritime traffic during installation works. As a responsible investor, we want to level the playing field for traditional economic sectors such as fishing - both through compensation and by involving representatives of local communities in construction works - says Jens Poulsen, Member of the Board of Baltic Power.
The Baltic Power offshore wind farm, a joint venture between ORLEN Group and Northland Power, is the most advanced offshore wind project in Poland and the only one that has reached construction phase. The preparation phase was completed in September 2023, with full financing secured from 25 international financial institutions. The construction of its onshore infrastructure has been underway since 2023, and the project will begin offshore installation work at the beginning of 2025. Baltic Power will be one of the first farms in the world to install 15 MW wind turbines. With planned completion in 2026, Baltic Power will be the first Polish offshore wind farm operating in the Baltic Sea, covering 3% of the country's energy needs (equivalent to the needs of approximately 1.5 million households), while reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 2.8 million tonnes per year.

Friday, March 21, 2025
Baltic Power obtains first Design Conformity Certificates for an offshore wind farm in Poland
The Baltic Power project, a joint venture between ORLEN and Northland Power, has obtained the first Design Conformity Certificates for its turbines and offshore substations, issued by DNV. This achievement marks a significant step forward not only for the project itself but also for Poland's offshore wind industry. These certificates are crucial for the construction and subsequent operation of the offshore wind farm, ensuring compliance with applicable codes and technical standards.

Thursday, February 6, 2025
First foundations at the Baltic Power offshore farm installed
As scheduled, the offshore construction of the first Polish offshore wind farm Baltic Power, a joint venture between Orlen Group and Northland Power, has commenced in January. The first monopiles, the main part of the foundation, have successfully been installed in the Baltic Sea. In total, 78 foundations for both of the turbines and the offshore substations will be installed. Following the foundation work, the installation of wind turbines, substations, and subsea connecting cables will proceed. This operation is the first of its kind in Polish Baltic waters, setting the stage for a new era of energy production in the region.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Manufactured at shipyards in Gdynia and Gdańsk, the steel structures of two offshore substations of the Baltic Power wind farm are now completed and have sailed off to the port of Aalborg (Denmark) for the outfitting. They will be installed in the Baltic Sea this autumn.

Thursday, January 16, 2025
Changes in the Management Board of Baltic Power
Baltic Power announces that Kamil Kobyliński has been appointed to the Management Board of Baltic Power as a Member. He replaces Jarosław Broda, who has departed the project.