Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Baltic Power invitation to tender (RFI) for Marine Warranty Surveyor

Baltic Power invitation to tender (RFI) for Marine Warranty Surveyor

Baltic Power intends to conduct and invites interested parties to participate in a Request for Information (RFI) for the services to be provided by Marine Warranty Surveyor (MWS) for the project. The services will be provided for the construction period of the offshore wind farm, which is planned to be conducted between 2024 and 2026.

The MWS should satisfy the requirements of the Contactor's All Risk (CAR) insurance policy for all the transportation and installation operations for all the OWF components:

  • Foundations (FOU);
  • Wind Turbine Generators (WTG);
  • Offshore Substation (OSS);
  • Inter Array Cables (IAC);
  • Export Cables (EC)

To be considered for invitation to the RFI, interested parties should be able to demonstrate a track record of providing Marine Warranty Services for EPCI projects in the above scopes.

A company presentation and relevant references (project details, scope covered, dates/duration) should be send to Baltic Power no later than 5 November 2021 at the following e-mail address: offshoresuppliers@balticpower.pl



Monday, December 9, 2024

Transition elements of the Baltic Power farm foundations from Polish factories finish production. Construction moves offshore in January 2025

Smulders' Polish factories are in the final stages of manufacturing the key foundation elements for the Baltic Power offshore wind farm. These are the transition pieces that will connect the foundations to the wind turbines. Once assembled, they will set off for the transhipment port. Already in the first quarter of 2025, they will be installed at the first offshore wind farm in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea.


Friday, November 15, 2024

Baltic Power launches call for applications within transitional compensation scheme for fisheries

Baltic Power, the project responsible for the construction of Poland's first offshore wind farm, has launched a call for applications for the Transitional Compensation Scheme aimed at fisheries who have carried out fishing activities in the area of the planned wind farm. This solution is transitional and will remain in force until the introduction of appropriate regulations governing the principles and scope of compensation payments between the offshore wind energy sector and the fishing industry. The annual compensation's amount will depend on the size of the vessel and vary from PLN 15,200 and PLN 48,700 each year.


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Final preparations for the start of installation works of the offshore part of the Baltic Power wind farm. Polish fishermen will support construction safety at sea.

Three Polish fishing vessels will support the construction of the Baltic Power offshore wind farm. They will start operations along with the beginning of the offshore installation works scheduled for early 2025.


Friday, November 8, 2024

A heavy-lift vessel has arrived in the Port of Gdynia, which will begin construction of the Baltic Power offshore wind farm in early 2025

A state-of-art vessel has arrived at the Port of Gdynia - the Svanen - a specialised heavy-lift vessel from Van Oord’s fleet designed for the installation of offshore wind farm foundations. This particular vessel that will start the first offshore wind farm construction in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea - Baltic Power - at the beginning of 2025.